13 Quotes By Herbie Hancock

Music happens to be an art form that transcends language.
Herbie Hancock on art

It's not the style that motivates me, as much as an attitude of openness that I have when I go into a project.
Herbie Hancock on attitude

I think there's a great beauty to having problems. That's one of the ways we learn.
Herbie Hancock on beauty

But I have to be careful not to let the world dazzle me so much that I forget that I'm a husband and a father.
Herbie Hancock on dad

I'm always interested in looking forward toward the future. Carving out new ways of looking at things.
Herbie Hancock on future

While knowledge may provide useful point of reference, it cannot become a force to guide the future.
Herbie Hancock on future

Without wisdom, the future has no meaning, no valuable purpose.
Herbie Hancock on future

While knowledge may provide useful point of reference, it cannot become a force to guide the future.
Herbie Hancock on knowledge

You can practice to attain knowledge, but you can't practice to attain wisdom.
Herbie Hancock on knowledge

Music happens to be an art form that transcends language.
Herbie Hancock on music

The thing that we possess, that machines don't, is the ability to exhibit wisdom.
Herbie Hancock on wisdom

Without wisdom, the future has no meaning, no valuable purpose.
Herbie Hancock on wisdom

You can practice to attain knowledge, but you can't practice to attain wisdom.
Herbie Hancock on wisdom