23 Quotes By Kristin Scott Thomas

In fact, in many ways my mother was quite hippy-dippy, serving macrobiotic food and reading 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.'
Kristin Scott Thomas on art

Often, the roles I'm offered in England are melancholic women who are filled with regret for the past, regret for their fading beauty.
Kristin Scott Thomas on beauty

If you're feeling insecure and you need to feel special, the best place to go is somewhere foreign where people treat you as special because you're different.
Kristin Scott Thomas on best

I think in most jobs, you get better as you get older. You gain experience, you gain knowledge.
Kristin Scott Thomas on experience

I can't move back to England. My home is in France now. I'd love to but I can't. My family's all there now.
Kristin Scott Thomas on family

I'm not one of those famous people flying round the world emoting over every catastrophe. I'm too feeble.
Kristin Scott Thomas on famous

In fact, in many ways my mother was quite hippy-dippy, serving macrobiotic food and reading 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.'
Kristin Scott Thomas on food

I can't move back to England. My home is in France now. I'd love to but I can't. My family's all there now.
Kristin Scott Thomas on home

With the theatre, your whole day is geared towards the evening's show, and that's the job. People usually go to work about 9 and come home around 5, or maybe 7.
Kristin Scott Thomas on home

I just get so fed up with seeing the same things written about me. If I see the words 'ice queen' attached to me, I feel like banging my head against the wall. There's this perception that I can only be in a film if I have a glass of champagne in my hand and a stately home in the background.
Kristin Scott Thomas on home

I have never met a woman who works who doesn't feel guilty. I mean we all deny it like crazy but deep down there is always that voice saying you should be at home.
Kristin Scott Thomas on home

I think in most jobs, you get better as you get older. You gain experience, you gain knowledge.
Kristin Scott Thomas on knowledge

I try to make films that I find exciting. It makes me want to get out of bed at five in the morning, have my make-up done and play for the rest of the day.
Kristin Scott Thomas on morning

Making films can be absolutely fantastic, but it can also be incredibly dull. You spend the whole day sitting by yourself in your trailer and then you get called to deliver one sentence - then you're told to come back and do it again at 5:30 the following morning.
Kristin Scott Thomas on morning

Movies make you immortal and ageless.
Kristin Scott Thomas on movies

I still absolutely love 'The Sound of Music' and anything with Julie Andrews in it.
Kristin Scott Thomas on music

French is a foreign language, but I've been speaking it since I was 18 so it's second nature to me.
Kristin Scott Thomas on nature

As a younger actor you want to be approved of, you want to gain respect, be admired. All of those things. To say: 'This is me playing this character. And aren't I fantastic!' I don't feel that so much now.
Kristin Scott Thomas on respect

I'm very wary of trust, you see.
Kristin Scott Thomas on trust

There's something incredibly sexy about sand and sweat and dunes photographed like women's backs.
Kristin Scott Thomas on women