25 Quotes Regarding Understanding

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding. (Philippians, 4:7)

Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people? (Hebrew, 1 Kings 3:9)

Understanding is the wages of faith.
St. Augustine

I know what love is. It’s understanding. It’s you and me and let the rest of the world go by. Just the two of us living our lives together happily and proudly. No self-torture and no doubt. It’s enduring and it’s everlasting. Nothing can change it. Nothing can change us, Ollie. That’s what I think love is.
Dewitt Bodeen

Know thou the self (spirit) as riding in a chariot, The body as the chariot. Know thou the intellect as the chariot-driver, And the mind as the reins. The senses, they say, are the horses; The objects of sense, what they range over. The self combined with senses and mind Wise men call "the enjoyer."