1,004 Quotes Regarding Movies

My grandmother and I saw an average of eight movies a week, double features, second run.
Carol Burnett

I don't like to watch my own movies - I fall asleep in my own movies.
Robert De Niro

Movies are hard work. The public doesn't see that. The critics don't see it. But they're a lot of work. A lot of work.
Robert De Niro

I'll work with a director if I think I'm going to get into a comfortable situation, and if it's someone I respect and who respects me, even if they're not so well known. Movies are hard to make, and you have to work toward a common ethic and do your best.
Robert De Niro

Skinniness is not your friend when you're over 40. I'd like to gain a good 10 pounds, but I did always have a fat, round face that plagued me when I was young. When I started to make movies, I couldn't look at myself.
Ellen Barkin

The way Hollywood portrays mothers - you're either all good and saint-like, or you're all bad. And I think the real honesty of motherhood is not given a voice in movies. I miss that as an audience member.
Ellen Barkin

When they make a woman's picture, they treat it like a 'woman's picture.' In the '40s, they didn't treat Joan Crawford movies like that, but as the big movies of their year. I'm upset that there's no 'Terminator' with a woman in Arnold Schwarzenegger's role. Because that would make just as much money.
Ellen Barkin

I'm always working on stuff. But they never materialize. I'm always working on movies and TV shows.
Colin Quinn

American movies and music deliver themes of freedom, innocence, and power that appeal to others - partly because America itself was put together out of a multiplicity of national traditions.
Todd Gitlin

Violent behavior exists in one's psychological makeup much deeper than the level that receives information from television or movies.
Richard King

When I go into making a movie, personally, I don't try to bring other pieces of movies with me.
Amber Heard

I think there's an instinct to make grotesque horror films that are purely carnal, like the 'Saw' movies.
Amber Heard

I think more than writers, the major influences on me have been European movies, jazz, and Abstract Expressionism.
Don DeLillo

I watch movies occasionally, and I watch documentaries. Virtually nothing else.
Don DeLillo

I never stopped studying Buddhism. In the past few years, in between movies, I do a retreat.
Jet Li

I am so happy because I want more people to like martial arts movie not just martial arts audience. Even martial arts can be used in comedy, in drama, in horror movies, in different kinds of movies.
Jet Li

Coming Home had been made before and Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter, different kinds of movies.
Oliver Stone

Luis Bunuel made great movies.
Giancarlo Esposito

I'm terrible at horror movies, by the way. I get scared so easily.
Oliver Stone

Part of the reason why movie bosses are so obsessed with crime movies is because they know that world and the criminals. And that's what they are - they would not hesitate to act illegally to achieve profit and gain.
Peter Mullan