1,063 Quotes Regarding Marriage

The only day I remember of my parents' marriage was the day my dad walked out. As I stood there at five years old, with my older sister and younger brother, I knew that he was gone.
Ellie Goulding

Straight couples don't have to be monogamous to be married or married to be monogamous. Monogamy no more defines marriage than the presence of children does. Monogamy isn't compulsory and its absence doesn't invalidate a marriage.
Dan Savage

I'm more afraid of marriage than death.

In a bad marriage, friends are the invisible glue. If we have enough friends, we may go on for years, intending to leave, talking about leaving - instead of actually getting up and leaving.
Erica Jong

It takes two to make a marriage a success and only one to make it a failure.
Herbert Samuel

Anything outside marriage seems like freedom and excitement.
Jeanette Winterson

My father was very big on marriage.
Sidney Poitier

I can look back at different times in my life when I felt I could not find my way out of whatever it was. I'm not necessarily talking about marriage, but I wanted to pack it in. I wanted to disappear. A lot of that has to do with being in the public eye.
Amy Grant

I always felt that a marriage works best at a farm... where you're together and everybody has clear-cut roles they have chores, 'you take care of this' and you know. But it's hard.
Ethan Hawke

The biggest financial pitfall in life is divorce. And the biggest reason for divorce is marriage.
Gene Simmons

If your neighbor has a completely different view on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, all of those things, you still are both Americans. Neither one of you is necessarily more patriotic than the other. Neither loves their country any more than the other one does.
Phil McGraw

If you've gone into a marriage and you haven't been clear about how you're going to handle money, how you want to raise kids, who is going to work or stay home or what have you, then you've set yourself up for failure.
Phil McGraw

Here in Hollywood you can actually get a marriage license printed on an Etch-A-Sketch.
Dennis Miller

There are few more powerful tools for promoting stability than the institution of marriage.
Iain Duncan Smith

Over the years the political establishment has frowned if a mainstream politician mentions marriage.
Iain Duncan Smith

The priesthood is a marriage. People often start by falling in love, and they go on for years without realizing that love must change into some other love which is so unlike it that it can hardly be recognized as love at all.
Iris Murdoch

One doesn't have to get anywhere in a marriage. It's not a public conveyance.
Iris Murdoch

It devastates me now that I have been reduced to a Hollywood statistic - another joke marriage.
Sophia Bush

I'm all for same-sex marriage.
Tori Spelling

Defining marriage is a power that should be left to the states. Moreover, no state should be forced to recognize a marriage that is not within its own laws, Constitution, and legal precedents.
John Sununu