998 Quotes Regarding Learning

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The books that help you most are those which make you think that most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty.
Pablo Neruda

Learning is finding out what you already know.
Richard Bach

Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
Samuel Butler

Suppose that we are wise enough to learn and know - and yet not wise enough to control our learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves? Even if that is so, knowledge remains better than ignorance.
Isaac Asimov

Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.
Daniel J. Boorstin

Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily.
Thomas Szasz

Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us - and those around us - more effectively. Look for the learning.
Louisa May Alcott

A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.
Frederick Douglass

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.
Abigail Adams

Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.
King Solomon

Take those chances and you can achieve greatness, whereas if you go conservative, you'll never know. I truly believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Even if you fail, learning and moving on is sometimes the best thing.
Danica Patrick

I like to think of my behavior in the sixties as a 'learning experience.' Then again, I like to think of anything stupid I've done as a 'learning experience.' It makes me feel less stupid.
P. J. O'Rourke

Learning, n. The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.
Ambrose Bierce

Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.
Benjamin Disraeli

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.
William Pollard

Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point, you ain't interesting.
Jim Carrey

Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.
Denis Waitley

The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one.
M. Scott Peck

The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom.
Thomas Merton