1,000 Quotes Regarding Home

I usually write away from home, in coffee shops, on trains, on planes, in friends' houses. I like places where there's stuff going on that you can lift your eyes, see something interesting, overhear a conversation.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I was gutted to leave my boyfriend at home when I started my tour, but taking my pillow was like taking a little bit of him with me.
Amy Winehouse

I have been alone since my husband died. I stay in my home. I don't date. It's hard to date when you're at home. Nobody knows you.
Anna Nicole Smith

I think children learning to cook can be such a wonderful thing. It can help build confidence, make them feel good about themselves. It helped me build my ego and even start to get acceptance at school. I'd bring things to class that I'd cooked at home.
Giada De Laurentiis

I go off and make movies I come home, and I'm a dad and I hang with my girls.
Clive Owen

For me, London is and always will be home.
Clive Owen

I never saw film stars at home. We had no maid, no cook, no swimming pool.
Natalie Wood

Buyers decide in the first eight seconds of seeing a home if they're interested in buying it. Get out of your car, walk in their shoes and see what they see within the first eight seconds.
Barbara Corcoran

A fan sent me a letter and a $10 bill. It's a short letter - all she said was, 'Hey, since it's harder for you to go out these days without getting photographed, here $10 for a pizza.' I was like, 'Aww, she sent me money for a pizza so I could eat at home!'
Zac Efron

At home in L.A., Sunday is lazy. It's the wife and me lying in bed with coffee, watching 'The Soup' or something funny on TiVo. The kid will occasionally join us. Eventually, breakfast is at a place down the street called Paty's. And we always have some kind of great dinner - my wife makes a great roast beef.
Eric McCormack

There is not a lot of separation between work and home life.
Cate Blanchett

A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.
Margaret Fuller

I'm still that little girl who lisped and sat in the back of the car and threw vegetables at the back of her head when we drove home from the market. That never goes.
Tracey Ullman

There is one timeless way of building. It is a thousand years old, and the same today as it has ever been. The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were very close to the center of this way.
Christopher Alexander

My restless, roaming spirit would not allow me to remain at home very long.
Buffalo Bill

My wife was delighted with the home I had given her amid the prairies of the far west.
Buffalo Bill

The first presentation of my show was given in May, 1883, at Omaha, which I had then chosen as my home. From there we made our first summer tour, visiting practically every important city in the country.
Buffalo Bill

With the help of a friend I got father into a wagon, when the crowd had gone. I held his head in my lap during the ride home. I believed he was mortally wounded. He had been stabbed down through the kidneys, leaving an ugly wound.
Buffalo Bill

I had no books at home. I started to frequent a public library in Lisbon. It was there, with no help except curiosity and the will to learn, that my taste for reading developed and was refined.
Jose Saramago

It's simple: You get a part. You play a part. You play it well. You do your work and you go home. And what is wonderful about movies is that once they're done, they belong to the people. Once you make it, it's what they see. That's where my head is at.
Denzel Washington