1,000 Quotes Regarding Home

I work at home, in the country, and days will go by when, except for my husband and son and the occasional UPS man, the only sentient creatures that see me are my chickens and turkeys.
Susan Orlean

A recent Pew Hispanic survey found that more than 70 percent of illegal immigrants from Mexico are interested in a guest-worker program and then returning home.
John Shadegg

I grew up in an abusive home and was told on a daily basis by my father that I would never amount to anything and that I looked like a boy.
Janice Dickinson

I'm still living the life where you get home and open the fridge and there's half a pot of yogurt and a half a can of flat Coca-Cola.
Alan Rickman

The schools would fail through their silence, the Church through its forgiveness, and the home through the denial and silence of the parents. The new generation has to hear what the older generation refuses to tell it.
Simon Wiesenthal

Proper school nutrition must be complemented by activities outside of the cafeteria. The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front.
Tom Vilsack

Don't corral me, and I'll always come home. Just let me go out and play during the day.
Sandra Bullock

I had a blast doing the Warped Tour, but it's good to be home, for sure.
Joan Jett

He may be president, but he still comes home and swipes my socks.
Joseph P. Kennedy

At home I'm just a guy who has interests that extend far beyond music.
Layne Staley

The quest for peace begins in the home, in the school and in the workplace.
Silvia Cartwright

If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21, thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure.
Vin Diesel

A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possibility that the other may be right, though neither believes it.
Don Fraser

The only way you can have it all is by delegating all the running of the home to other people - which I don't ever want to do... So you do it yourself, and it takes time and energy and effort. And if you give it the time, it's profoundly enjoyable.
Emma Thompson

We call our country home of the brave and land of the free, but it's not. We give a false portrayal of freedom. We're not free - if we were, we'd allow people their freedom.
Jesse Ventura

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home, but, unlike charity, it should end there.
Clare Boothe Luce

There's no real preparing at home for stand-up. You just go and you just do it.
Louis C. K.

I noted that people are happy here in India. When I went back home, people had everything in the materialistic sense and were surrounded with abundance, but they were not happy.
Goldie Hawn

I'll be here in my home with three big screens. I'll be watching three games at a time, and when they're over, I'll look at three more.
Hayden Fry

Just that working with Clint again is like coming home.
Morgan Freeman