1,003 Quotes Regarding History

All objects, all phases of culture are alive. They have voices. They speak of their history and interrelatedness. And they are all talking at once!
Camille Paglia

American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U.S. cannot fix the fate of every nation.
Camille Paglia

My generation of bossy, confident, baby-boom women were something brand new in history. Our energy and assertiveness weren't created by Betty Friedan, unknown before her 1963 book, or by Gloria Steinem, whose political activism, as even the Lifetime profile admitted, did not begin until 1969.
Camille Paglia

Our liberal, New York/Washington-based media would never in a million years put Liberal Godfather Ted Kennedy on the spot about his clan's bad behavior, to whose lurid history he himself has contributed so much.
Camille Paglia

I did a book in 1996, an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

This is what I would have done if I had to have a real job: I would have been a history teacher.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Among famous traitors of history one might mention the weather.
Ilka Chase

Literature is the expression of a feeling of deprivation, a recourse against a sense of something missing. But the contrary is also true: language is what makes us human. It is a recourse against the meaningless noise and silence of nature and history.
Octavio Paz

My argument is that War makes rattling good history but Peace is poor reading.
Thomas Hardy

I thought that all of the sacrifices and blessings of the whole history of mankind have devolved upon me. Thank you, God.
Ben Stein

To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history but to articulate it.
Daniel Libeskind

If Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be, and He did die on a cross at a point of time in history, then, for all history past and all history future it is relevant because that is the very focal point for forgiveness and redemption.
Josh McDowell

My sense of the family history is somewhat sketchy, because my mother kept a great deal to herself.
Julie Andrews

Legend remains victorious in spite of history.
Sarah Bernhardt

I was reading a book... 'the history of glue' - I couldn't put it down.
Tim Vine

Then I despair... I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it always.
Andre Malraux

Barack Obama is one of the greatest politicians in American history.
John Podhoretz

But every historical statement and legitimization itself moves within a certain relation to history.
Martin Heidegger

Dorothy is the only woman in history who has had her menopause in public and made it pay.
Alice Roosevelt Longworth

What has made America amazing has been the fact that throughout our history, throughout the more than 200 years of our history, there have been men and women of courage who stood up and decided it was more important to look out for the future of their children and their grandchildren than their own political futures.
Scott Walker