998 Quotes Regarding Food

I don't cook. I don't know anything about food. I've never reviewed a restaurant.
Calvin Trillin

Canadians are very well behaved, they don't throw their food.
Calvin Trillin

Be what you would seem to be - or, if you'd like it put more simply - a house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
Margaret Fuller

Japanese food makes me feel particularly good.
David Mitchell

I was always the new kid in school, I'm the kid from a broken family, I'm the kid who had no dad showing up at the father-son stuff, I'm the kid that was using food stamps at the grocery store.
Dave Mustaine

When service members are discharged, we should express our gratitude for their profound personal sacrifice, not hand them a bill for their hospital food.
Barbara Boxer

I love doing demonstrations. I think to be a great chef you have to be a great teacher. I love doing classes with people who love food and enjoy food, bringing them all around one table so to speak.
Michael Symon

Recipes are important but only to a point. What's more important than recipes is how we think about food, and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that.
Michael Symon

Go to the grocery store and buy better things. Buy quality, buy organic, buy natural, go to the farmers market. Immediately that's going to increase the quality of the food you make.
Michael Symon

I don't think any other holiday embraces the food of the Midwest quite like Thanksgiving. There's roasted meat and mashed potatoes. But being here is also about heritage. Cleveland is really a giant melting pot - not only is my family a melting pot, but so is the city.
Michael Symon

My goal in 'Live to Cook' is to make great food more approachable for home cooks.
Michael Symon

I don't do yoga. I bite the hella outta my nails. I smoke, I eat all the wrong food, I don't exercise.
Lisa Marie Presley

For some Chicago expats, food is the medicine that blunts the pain of separation.
Mary Schmich

The best way to lose weight is to close your mouth - something very difficult for a politician. Or watch your food - just watch it, don't eat it.
Ed Koch

It was my Uncle George who discovered that alcohol was a food well in advance of modern medical thought.
P. G. Wodehouse

I love England, especially the food. There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.
Naomi Campbell

A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere therefore weapons, fuel, food, money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working, are cooperating, either being themselves the origin or the transit.
Lakhdar Brahimi

Queuing tips for fans: wrap up and bring food!
Niall Horan

I think the most wonderful thing in the world is another chef. I'm always excited about learning new things about food.
Paul Prudhomme

Creole is New Orleans city food. Communities were created by the people who wanted to stay and not go back to Spain or France.
Paul Prudhomme