1,000 Quotes Regarding Faith

Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.
Ambrose Bierce

No human race is superior no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them.
Elie Wiesel

Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are the kings of this world.
Thomas Carlyle

Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.
Thomas S. Monson

In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all.
Alan Watts

A great city, whose image dwells in the memory of man, is the type of some great idea. Rome represents conquest Faith hovers over the towers of Jerusalem and Athens embodies the pre-eminent quality of the antique world, Art.
Benjamin Disraeli

It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason.
Blaise Pascal

Love, like a chicken salad or restaurant hash, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor.
Helen Rowland

No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful.
Marquis de Sade

I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.
Harry S. Truman

Only our individual faith in freedom can keep us free.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Faith is different from proof the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God.
Blaise Pascal

A better world shall emerge based on faith and understanding.
Douglas MacArthur

Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.
Ellen G. White

Faith is much better than belief. Belief is when someone else does the thinking.
R. Buckminster Fuller

Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.
Martha Graham

Faith is a state of openness or trust.
Alan Watts

Politics is an act of faith you have to show some kind of confidence in the intellectual and moral capacity of the public.
George McGovern

If you desire to be pure, have firm faith, and slowly go on with your devotional practices without wasting your energy in useless scriptural discussions and arguments. Your little brain will otherwise be muddled.