1,097 Quotes Regarding Change

I change, and so do women too;<

Everything that can be invented has been invented.
Charles H. Duell

The work of the world is done on hate. All work done well is well done only when persons hate work done shoddily. Justice can exist only when injustice is hated, laws only when lawlessness is hated, and education only when ignorance is hated. Every improvement this world has ever known was brought about because someone hated intolerable conditions.
Jane Dunlop

Change is an easy panacea. It takes character to stay in one place and be happy there.
Elizabeth Clark Dunn

Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.
Albert Einstein

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

All is change; all yields its place and goes.

None of our men are "experts." We have most unfortunately found it necessary to get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert because no one ever considers himself expert if he really knows his job. A man who knows a job sees so much more to be done than he has done, that he is always pressing forward and never gives up an instant of thought to how good and how efficient he is. Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible. The moment one gets into the "expert" state of mind a great number of things become impossible.
Henry Ford

Technology [is] the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to experience it.
Frisch. Max

Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
Julius Frontinus

They would not find me changed from him they knew - only more sure of all I thought was true.
Robert Frost

Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation.
Mahatma Gandhi

All change is not growth; all movementis not forward.
Ellen Glasgow

What I possess I would gladly retain. Change amuses the mind, yet scarcely profits.
Johann Von Goethe

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.... This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on a science fictional way of thinking.
Isaac Asimov

Experience teaches that men are often so much governed by what they are accustomed to see and practice, that the simplest and most obvious improvements, in the most ordinary occupations, are adopted with hesitation, reluctance, and by slow gradations. Men would resist changes, so long as even a bare support could be ensured by an adherence to ancient courses, and perhaps even longer.
Alexander Hamilton

Society can overlook murder, adultery or swindling; it can never forgive the preaching of a new gosp
Frederic Harrison

Everything flows; nothing remains.

Change alone is unchanging.

All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the truths that come from on high and are contained in the sacred writings.
John Frederick Herschel