Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining. Mason Cooley on change
Excuses change nothing, but make everyone feel better. Mason Cooley on change
Change often makes accepted customs into crimes. Mason Cooley on change
Change is upsetting. Repetition is tedious. Three cheers for variation! Mason Cooley on change
I change my opinions often, but not my way of thinking. Mason Cooley on change
Our most important decisions are made while we are thinking about something else. Mason Cooley on decision
Most of my decisions in life seem absent-minded but inevitable. Mason Cooley on decision
Prudence suspects that happiness is a bait set by risk. Mason Cooley on risk
In love, self-love is always at risk. Mason Cooley on risk
Wit puts politicians at risk. Mason Cooley on risk
Proverbial wisdom counsels against risk and change. But sitting ducks fare worst of all. Mason Cooley on risk
Life is the risk we cannot refuse. Mason Cooley on risk
When understanding would be too difficult, I become trusting. Mason Cooley on understanding
Every path to a new understanding begins in confusion. Mason Cooley on understanding
Understanding replaces imaginary fears with real ones. Mason Cooley on understanding
The business of America is business. Calvin Coolidge on business
All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. Calvin Coolidge on growth