15 Quotes By Paul Lynde

My dad was a ham, too. He could sell those women anything. Of all his sons, I was the only one he could trust to sell as well as he could. I was proud of that.
Paul Lynde on dad

Politicians... talk in generalities and lies, and I think they've caused all our grief. They're so awful, they're really funny. I hate thinking this because my dad loved politics.
Paul Lynde on dad

If I ever completely lost my nervousness I would be frightened half to death.
Paul Lynde on death

I sang in the choir for years, even though my family belonged to another church.
Paul Lynde on family

I was obsessed with being rich and famous.
Paul Lynde on famous

Sandwiches are wonderful. You don't need a spoon or a plate!
Paul Lynde on food

Food was a constant topic of conversation in our household.
Paul Lynde on food

I wish I had the nerve not to tip.
Paul Lynde on funny

I sang in the choir for years, even though my family belonged to another church.
Paul Lynde on funny

I don't know who the hell Paul Lynde is, or why he's funny, and I prefer it to be a mystery to me.
Paul Lynde on funny

Politicians... talk in generalities and lies, and I think they've caused all our grief. They're so awful, they're really funny. I hate thinking this because my dad loved politics.
Paul Lynde on funny

Learning lines is on my mind until I do know them. I'll read the paper or paint the house to keep from starting to memorize. I've never found an easy way.
Paul Lynde on learning

Politicians... talk in generalities and lies, and I think they've caused all our grief. They're so awful, they're really funny. I hate thinking this because my dad loved politics.
Paul Lynde on politics

The whole romantic part of my life was a wipeout. I didn't even own a belt.
Paul Lynde on romantic

My dad was a ham, too. He could sell those women anything. Of all his sons, I was the only one he could trust to sell as well as he could. I was proud of that.
Paul Lynde on trust