8 Quotes By Leigh Hunt

The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing.
Leigh Hunt on famous

The groundwork of all happiness is health.
Leigh Hunt on fitness

If you are ever at a loss to support a flagging conversation, introduce the subject of eating.
Leigh Hunt on food

The groundwork of all happiness is health.
Leigh Hunt on happiness

Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice.
Leigh Hunt on history

There are two worlds: the world we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination.
Leigh Hunt on imagination

Colors are the smiles of nature.
Leigh Hunt on smile

Affection, like melancholy, magnifiestrifles; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objects; that of the other, like enlarging monsters with a microscop
Leigh Hunt on affection