20 Quotes By Kenny Loggins

Courage is always rewarded.
Kenny Loggins on courage

You must have love as the core it takes courage to be willing to constantly tell the truth to each other and risk letting the relationship go.
Kenny Loggins on courage

We busted a lot of family secrets with this. But to make a long story short, my parents relationship was built heavily on security issues for my Mom, and when my Dad couldn't provide security, the relationship unraveled.
Kenny Loggins on dad

My quest these days is to find my long lost inner child, but I'm afraid if I do, I'll end up with food in my hair and way too in love with the cats.
Kenny Loggins on food

Real freedom is creative, proactive, and will take me into new territories. I am not free if my freedom is predicated on reacting to my past.
Kenny Loggins on freedom

I am learning to forgive my inner geek, and even value him as a free man.
Kenny Loggins on learning

My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.
Kenny Loggins on life

My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.
Kenny Loggins on love

We busted a lot of family secrets with this. But to make a long story short, my parents relationship was built heavily on security issues for my Mom, and when my Dad couldn't provide security, the relationship unraveled.
Kenny Loggins on mom

I've worked so hard to eliminate the inner geek from my life. I suddenly realize I have no patience for those people who still have their geeks showing. Now I see why being 'normal' has been so important to me.
Kenny Loggins on patience

I knew what book we had to write, it was clear in my head it was journals and poetry. So I passed on their offer. I told my agent this is our vision, and no one's done it this way.
Kenny Loggins on poetry

My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.
Kenny Loggins on power

There is trust in there being a Spirit who loves me and wants me to have love in my life. I trust in this higher power, it is what keeps me moving forward no matter what happens.
Kenny Loggins on power

The corporate woman has been defined as the 'liberated woman' and I see that as the exact opposite. I think she now is more enslaved, maybe even more than the housewife was because she's so out of her power, and imitating male power is not female power.
Kenny Loggins on power

Relationships are so much a rerun of our parental relationships. We're rerunning the relationship they were in together and we're rerunning the relationship we had with them with our lover.
Kenny Loggins on relationship

We busted a lot of family secrets with this. But to make a long story short, my parents relationship was built heavily on security issues for my Mom, and when my Dad couldn't provide security, the relationship unraveled.
Kenny Loggins on relationship

You must have love as the core it takes courage to be willing to constantly tell the truth to each other and risk letting the relationship go.
Kenny Loggins on relationship

I couldn't be in a relationship and behave like somebody else or pretend I felt something I didn't feel. And that includes saying things I thought might jeopardize the relationship.
Kenny Loggins on relationship

My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.
Kenny Loggins on trust

There is trust in there being a Spirit who loves me and wants me to have love in my life. I trust in this higher power, it is what keeps me moving forward no matter what happens.
Kenny Loggins on trust