16 Quotes By Joe Rogan

The only time I commit to conspiracy theories is when something way retarded happens. Like Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone.
Joe Rogan on alone

If you can lie, you can act, and if you can lie to crazy girlfriends, you can act under pressure.
Joe Rogan on dating

I had a sense of who I was before I got famous.
Joe Rogan on famous

I really feel like it's a travesty to make a child famous. I really do.
Joe Rogan on famous

That's my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.
Joe Rogan on funny

It's painful for me to watch someone who isn't funny. It's horrifying to sit in the back and watch some guy who just totally sucks.
Joe Rogan on funny

I had seen movies before that that had made me laugh, but I had never seen anything even remotely close to as funny as Richard Pryor was, just standing there talking.
Joe Rogan on funny

I wouldn't totally rule out doing Letterman or the Tonight Show if I had a set that I just happened to write that I thought was funny but was still appropriate for network censors. But I'm not going to go out of my way.
Joe Rogan on funny

The audience changes every night. You're the same person. You have to speak your mind and do the stuff that you think is funny and makes you laugh.
Joe Rogan on funny

The misconception is that standup comics are always on. I don't know any really funny comics that are annoying and constantly trying to be funny all the time.
Joe Rogan on funny

I never in my wildest imagination dreamed that I would somehow become a sports commentator.
Joe Rogan on imagination

Never stay in a bad marriage, and don't hang around with psycho coke fiends.
Joe Rogan on marriage

I had seen movies before that that had made me laugh, but I had never seen anything even remotely close to as funny as Richard Pryor was, just standing there talking.
Joe Rogan on movies

Your body's really only meant to compete at the highest levels of combat sports for a few years.
Joe Rogan on sports

I never in my wildest imagination dreamed that I would somehow become a sports commentator.
Joe Rogan on sports

That's my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.
Joe Rogan on time