1,004 Quotes Regarding Society

Man is the animal that intends to shoot himself out into interplanetary space, after having given up on the problem of an efficient way to get himself five miles to work and back each day.
Bill Vaughan

The world is governed more by appearance than realities so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.
Daniel Webster

How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?
Paul Sweeney

It is not a fragrant world.
Raymond Chandler

Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can stay up all night and eat anything.
Herb Caen

Normal social behavior requires that we be able to recognize identities in spite of change. Unless we can do so, there can be no human society as we know it.
Kenneth L. Pike

Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things.
Russell Baker

What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?
Irv Kupcinet

Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not just of youth but of the world we were young in.
Peter Medawar

The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.
A. J. Liebling

Society is based on the assumption that everyone is alike and no one is alive.
Hugh Kingsmill

Exclusiveness in a garden is a mistake as great as it is in society.
Alfred Austin

Society is the union of men and not the men themselves.
Charles de Secondat

Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society.
Candace Bushnell

It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence.
Jacques Barzun

You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.
Art Buchwald

Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society.
Jack Kingston

The key to organizing an alternative society is to organize people around what they can do, and more importantly, what they want to do.
Abbie Hoffman

People are going to behave however the social norms permit, and beyond that.
Max Cannon

Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has.
Randolph Bourne