632 Quotes Regarding Intelligence

Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
Wayne Dyer

Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself.
Henry David Thoreau

I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence.
George Bernard Shaw

The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foot-hold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism.
Albert Camus

I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense I call it intelligence.
Malcolm X

Humanity I love you because when you're hard up you pawn your intelligence to buy a drink.
e. e. cummings

Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another.
Immanuel Kant

No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.
H. L. Mencken

Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
Groucho Marx

I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us- everything that exists - proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.
Thomas A. Edison

Where the stakes are the highest, in the war on terror, we cannot possibly succeed without extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest degree of intelligence sharing, planning and collaborative enforcement.
Barack Obama

If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the thought of global war include almost a sentence for suicide, you would think that man's intelligence and his comprehension... would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence he is just using his memory.
Leonardo da Vinci

My mother's love has always been a sustaining force for our family, and one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity, her compassion, her intelligence reflected in my daughters.
Michelle Obama

It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.
Sun Tzu

Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision.
Aldous Huxley

Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
Bertrand Russell

We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
Bertrand Russell

Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?
John Keats

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.
William F. Buckley, Jr.