880 Quotes Regarding Poetry

In poetry everything which must be said is almost impossible to say well.
Paul Valery

Poetry remembers that it was an oral art before it was a written art.
Jorge Luis Borges

I did not have a very literary background. I came to poetry from the sciences and mathematics, and also through an interest in Japanese and Chinese poetry in translation.
Robert Morgan

Art: If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy.
Muhammad Iqbal

Money is everywhere but so is poetry. What we lack are the poets.
Federico Fellini

Romance like a ghost escapes touching it is always where you are not, not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time, but it is poetry in the memory.
George William Curtis

Poetry is what Milton saw when he went blind.
Don Marquis

The musician is perhaps the most modest of animals, but he is also the proudest. It is he who invented the sublime art of ruining poetry.
Erik Satie

I gave up on new poetry myself 30 years ago when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens in a hostile world.
Russell Baker

I find a lot of poetry to be narcissistic.
Joni Mitchell

I've written for every medium except poetry, at which I suck.
J. Michael Straczynski

Poetry is what we turn to in the most emotional moments of our life - when a beloved friend dies, when a baby is born or when we fall in love.
Erica Jong

Only in dreams, in poetry, in play do we sometimes arrive at what we were before we were this thing that, who knows, we are.
Julio Cortazar

You know, bad poetry I wrote in high school can still be found on the Internet, and, you know, there's a Web log of our college newspaper. You know, there's so many different stages of my creative development are sort of on-record if somebody were to choose to look for them.
Lena Dunham

It's something we, guys, have all done. Made tapes for girls, trying to impress them, to meet them on a shared plane of aesthetics. Read them someone else's poetry because they do poetry better than you could do it, because you're too awkward to do it.
John Cusack

You know, people speak in poetry all the time. They just don't realize it.
Sherman Alexie

I always wrote poetry and stuff like that, so putting songs together wasn't that spectacular.
Amy Winehouse

Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.
Edward Koch

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg

One difference between poetry and lyrics is that lyrics sort of fade into the background. They fade on the page and live on the stage when set to music.
Stephen Sondheim