715 Quotes Regarding Failure

The time I had waited probably made the difference between success and failure.
Anna Neagle

In our tabulation of psychoanalytic results, we have classed those who stopped treatment together with those not improved. This appears to be reasonable a patient who fails to finish his treatment, and is not improved, is surely a therapeutic failure.
Hans Eysenck

The more control you have over your life, the more responsible you feel for your own success - or failure.
Arthur C. Brooks

I'm fascinated by failure, and I'm fascinated by finality. Shakespeare's historical plays are more universal than his comedies because they relate to the finality of life. Without finality, life would not be beautiful.
George Hickenlooper

Most of the work performed by a development engineer results in failure.
Koichi Tanaka

Our nation's Social Security Trust Fund is depleting at an alarming rate, and failure to implement immediate reforms endangers the ability of Americans to plan for their retirement with the options and certainty they deserve.
Pete Sessions

And I went to New York and died for 10 years I walked those pavements. I can't think of New York without feeling uncomfortable and feeling like a failure.
Harvey Korman

I have experienced failure as a politician and for that very reason, I am ready to give everything for Japan.
Shinzo Abe

To me, all war is failure for humanity, though it often is a bounty for commerce.
Mark Edwards

I know acts and I'm not going to name names but these people sold ten million copies the first time and the second album sells three million and it's considered a failure and they're dropped and that's really a shame.
Gerry Beckley

Even in a gleefully negative comic, there is optimism, although it's slightly hidden: It comes out through a comic character's sheer tenacity. He keeps going and trying to find some sort of fulfillment regardless of his perpetual failure record. That's a form of hope, a form of optimism. Really hokey I know, but it's true.
Lev Yilmaz

Over the next four years, we will be bold. We will be willing to experiment. We will not fear failure.
Matt Blunt

Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success, failure, equilibrium, compromise or balance, in this continuous rivalry of ideas.
James M. Baldwin

Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you're up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.
Cory Lidle

Success breeds success, and failure leads to a sort of fallow period.
Felicity Kendal

I went to a motivational training course once, a course of self-discovery, and I found out after a week that my fear - it was not a fear of not being accepted - was a very violent fear of failure.
Emanuel Steward

There is always time for failure.
John Mortimer

It has now been over 7 years since Congress last raised the minimum wage to its current level of $5.15 per hour. Since that last increase, Congress's failure to adjust the wage for inflation has reduced the purchasing power of the minimum wage to record low levels.
Jon Corzine

You accept failure as a possible outcome of some of the experiments. If you don't get failures, you're not pushing hard enough on the objectives.
John Poindexter

Successful entrepreneurs find the balance between listening to their inner voice and staying persistent in driving for success - because sometimes success is waiting right across from the transitional bump that's disguised as failure.
Naveen Jain